This can help you determine what it is you hope to achieve and gain during this course. It is designed to take your from your head and into your heart. While doing this exercise I invite you to just surrender to the first things that come to your mind. It can get really personal and emotional. Emotions are what drive us and I will continously encourgage to to embrace the full spectrum. Your grief also allows you to know deeper levels of pleasure. Your anger can show you compassion. Jealousy can show you inspiration. And so on!

I am attaching a blank sample, and a sample of this exercise.

You may start with the question of "Why am I taking this course? "or "what do I hope to gain from this course?" then follow the seven levels deep format.

For example:

Why am I taking this course?

Because I want to feel Empowered!

Why is feeling empowered important to me?

Because it makes me feel in control.

then keep following that format 7 times.


The 7 Levels Deep Exercise can be used to help determine what really drives you to accomplish anything in life. The following is a sample for you to start with. This is one of the hardest exercises that we have to do to reach that next level.

Name_________________________________________ Date ___________

LEVEL 1: What is important to you about healing through art?

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEVEL 2: Why is it important to you to ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEVEL 3: Why is it important to you to ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEVEL 4: Why is it important to you to ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEVEL 5: Why is it important to you to ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEVEL 6: Why is it important to you to ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEVEL 7: Why is it important to you to ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The 7 Levels Deep Exercise can be used to help determine what really drives you to accomplish anything in life. The following is a sample for you to start with. This is one of the hardest exercises that we have to do to reach that next level.

Name_ Peyton Baker Date 03/26/2020

LEVEL 1: What is important to you about healing through art? ANSWER:

It provides a gentle container where I can learn about myself and intergrate life lessons.

LEVEL 2: Why is it important to you to have a gentle container to learn about yourself and integrate?


It gives me a deeper sense of awareness and compassion for myself and is a easier place to reflect on hard lessons.


LEVEL 3: Why is it important to you to have a deeper sense of awareness and compassion for yourself and learn these hard lessons


I feel like if I can maintain deeper levels of awareness I am less likely to be hurt, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

LEVEL 4: Why is it important not get hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually?


 Because I’ve seen how this can make me shut down and become very angry and distrusting of others.

LEVEL 5: Why is it important to you to not shut down and be angry and distrusting.


It’s a miserable way to live. Life feels hopeless and dull and empty in that space. I don’t want to be miserable.

LEVEL 6: Why is it important to you to not be miserable?


I’ve seen how it effects those around me when I shut down like this. I spent a good chunk of my life being miserable and I feel like I’m ready to experience the other side. I want to impact people in positive ways and uplift them.  

LEVEL 7: Why is it important to you experience happiness impact people in a positive way and uplift them.


Because that’s what I wanted from others growing up. I wanted my mom to be there for me, I wanted encouragement from my family, I just wanted love. And now I want to be that for others and myself. It feels healing to me and makes my life feel meaningful. Like I don’t have to suffer and it’s actually a service to humanity if I allow myself to step into happiness. I think overall it affects everyone. AND it FEELS SO GOOD!

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